“When training for a Marathon, people often look at the whole plan and get nervous… ‘Can I run this much in a week? I’ve never ran that far! I don’t know if I can do that workout’ these are thoughts that go through all of our heads. I take the approach of using that as motivation and try to spin it to ‘How can I run that much in a week? What’s it going to feel like to be that far? How can I set myself up to tackle this workout?’ Looking a few days forward in my training and figuring out how I can get my training in, rather than if I can get my training in will always be the approach I take.” – @therealmattduffy

“Sacramento is a wonderful city to run in, but recently I have escaped to the hills for training runs. This offers a challenge for my body by adding new terrain and more elevation. When changing your environment, it is important to fuel properly. I find that CLIF Bars provide the carbohydrates my body needs for energy, along with a great taste! They are easy to pack so remember to carry an extra in case of emergencies out on the trails! You never know what you may encounter so it’s best to be prepared, and same goes for on the roads! Has everyone been testing out nutrition options in their training?” @that_runner_girl_goes