2024 CIM Ambassador Team:

Anthony LaMantia

Anthony LaMantia

Chicago, IL

Running has meant different things to me at various points in my life. For a while, running was a maintenance-type activity. I ran to stay “healthy” and “in shape” when, in reality, the choices I was making in life were quite the opposite. I finished my 2016 marathon debut in Houston with a 3:39:00, which stood as my PR until the 2022 Chicago Marathon. The year prior, in 2021, I ran the Chicago Marathon in 4:07:24. In April 2022, I got sober, and that changed everything. In the Chicago Marathon that year, I improved my marathon time to 3:17:24, and my love for running was reignited. Since then, I’ve improved to 3:08:17 (Kalamazoo), to 3:03:25 (Last Chance BQ.2), and 3:01:05 at CIM last December.

Running has become a catalyst for the broader transformation in my life. I’m so excited to return to Sacramento for a second run at CIM. Last year, CIM was the culmination of a massive step forward in my trajectory as an athlete. And while I came up just short of a sub-3-hour marathon and BQ, I left feeling as strong and determined as ever to make my goals a reality in 2024.

Instagram – @aalamantia

Jen Lee

Jen Lee

Pasadena, CA

My name is Jen and I live and run on Tongva Land (Los Angeles basin). I am privileged to run with different groups locally including the Pasadena Pacers, Run With Us Race Team, and Friday Donut Run Club. I am originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, so CIM will always feel like a homecoming for me. I became a distance runner as an adult, mostly as a way to cope with school and work stresses. After finishing the Los Angeles and New York marathons in the same year, I was hooked! I decided to focus on qualifying for the Boston Marathon, inspired by the community of runners around me. When I completed the Boston Marathon in 2019, I took a short break from intense training to have my son (now 4). I came back in 2021 as a mother runner and stronger than ever. I have since completed 4 half marathons, 5 marathons, and 1 ultramarathon (50k) with PRs in all distances.

Yes, running can be a source of achievement: BQs, OTQs, PRs, but it’s also about giving your best effort on that day. It’s about connecting with others in a shared pursuit. My goal as a 2024 CIM ambassador is to inspire people to get out the door and get moving in ways that feel good for their bodies. And, if a few people decide to sign up for their first marathon (hopefully, CIM), even better!

Instagram – @cheer_jen

JP Sebastian

JP Sebastian

Toronto, ON

I’ve done races from 5k to Ultra Relays but my favourite distance is the marathon. A goal of mine is to qualify for Boston, and I’ve had my eye on CIM as the race I want to run to attempt a BQ.  I’ve heard a lot of great things about this race, and we know that the World Major Races get a lot of attention, CIM is a race that I’ve heard gives you that big race feel with the small-town charm.

Community is important to me and you can ask anyone here in Toronto about how for the last 12 months I’ve been talking about running CIM December 2024. As of March this year, I’ve convinced 13 (and counting) friends to join me in Sacramento in December to run CIM. While a BQ is not certain, I am looking forward to toeing the line in December and racing in one of the fastest marathons in the US, and chasing big goals with friends.

Instagram – @jaypisrunning

Albert Mendez

Albert Mendez

Fillmore, CA

My name is Albert Mendez, and I am a Southern California-based runner.

I Love running so much and when I run it is my time to get “away” and enjoy the freedom and peace that running brings to me. My favorite part of running is meeting new people and the friendships I have made through running. I am a #TeamULTRA team member and my running group is WAHOO Running. I enjoy running with this community because they are some of the best people anywhere; The support, friendships, and sense of community that they bring are the best and I am forever blessed to be part of this community. My goals for 2024 and CIM are to spread the Joy that I have found through running with others. I plan to run the Chevron Houston Half Marathon, Gasparilla Distance Classic, Los Angeles Marathon, The OKC Memorial Half, Chicago, New York City, and CIM.

Instagram – @trebla1969

Kate Bergman

Kate Bergman

Mercer Island, WA

I’m Kate Bergman, a Seattle-based runner and run coach. I haven’t always been a runner. In fact, I used to hate running. I would get such bad anxiety prior to the one-mile time trial during high school PE that I couldn’t sleep for days leading up to it. But then came a turning point at the age of 35, when I, with a newfound determination, decided to embrace the inner runner I never imagined. I laced up my walking shoes, ran two miles, and signed up for a half marathon. Three months later I crossed my first finish line, full of pride, excitement, and gratification. Since then, I have run a total of 16 half marathons and six marathons, including CIM three times (2019, 2021, 2023.) Now I can’t imagine my life without running and the friends I’ve made along the way!

This will be my fourth time running the California International Marathon and I am so excited! From the course support full of spectators and volunteers to the community of runners to the flawless execution of logistics, CIM is an incredible event. My hope is to BQ this year, which would mean shaving a chunk of time off my PR but I’ve already proven to myself that I can do unimaginable things, so why not go for it?

Instagram – @kateeerunsalot
Website – https://paceperfectrunning.com/

Mak Foss

Mak Foss

Grand Rapid, MI

I am a retired collegiate cheerleader who started running almost 5 years after graduating from college (October 2021). Now, I’m the founder of a track club and running team; The Society Track Club, and I’ve run 4 marathons. My biggest motivating factor when it comes to running is connecting with myself and the people within the community. My motto for races is “run the mile you’re in” because I know that 1 mile is doable and once I run that one, then I can run the next.

A running-related goal that I work towards is bringing out the potential in those around me. Of course, I want to get faster – as a runner, who doesn’t? That being said, fast is relative to each runner and I love watching those around me realize how capable they are and break through the boundary of what “fast” is to surprise themselves with their accomplishments.

Instagram – @runwithmak

Jacob Oak

Jacob Oak

St. Louis Park, MN

My name is Jacob and I am a run coach and trainer from Minnesota. I’ve been running for over 10 years and have completed dozens of road, track, and trail races. As someone who has been told their whole life that they don’t look like a runner, I’ve worked very hard to de-bunk that for myself while also providing a space and platform for other individuals who may view themselves that way to understand that anyone can be a runner and can achieve big goals in this realm with the right amount of hard work and dedication.

The 2024 California International Marathon will be my 11th road marathon and 2nd time running CIM. One thing I really loved about CIM was the welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that I felt towards myself and all of my friends and clients who were also involved in the race. As a big race, it’s very admirable how dedicated and welcoming the organizers are toward runners of all abilities. The 2023 CIM race was one of my most memorable race weekends and I can’t wait to be more involved with the race this year and chase my current goal of a sub-3 hour marathon!

Instagram & Strava – @coachjacoboak
Website – Oakendurance.com
Docu-Series – https://www.youtube.com/@Oakendurance

Megan Yarberry

Megan Yarberry

Durham, NC

I’m Megan Yarberry. CIM marked my second marathon, where I achieved a sub-4 hour finish—a significant milestone after starting with a 5+ hour time in my first marathon a year prior. Alongside marathon running, I’ve delved into triathlons, particularly in the 70.3 category, finding immense joy and challenge in the sport. Running has been a lifeline for me, bringing amazing friendships and support, especially through the Atlanta Run Club. When I’m not running, I’m busy in the kitchen baking, enjoying a good book with coffee, or supporting college athletics with data analytics.

Looking ahead, my goal for the 2024 CIM marathon is redemption. I’m aiming to qualify for the Boston Marathon (BQ), and simultaneously, I’m focused on building a robust foundation to conquer my first Ironman later this year.

Instagram – @onthemovewithmegan

David Damron

David Damron

Centennial, CO

I grew up in Sacramento and live in the Denver, Colorado metro area. It took me 13 years to BQ, achieving that goal in 2019 at CIM. I’ve been an avid runner since 2006 including 7 CIM finishes (3 BQ’s at CIM and 1 sub-3 at CIM), a 2022 Ironman California finish, and endless other races of varying distances over the years. My wife and I have two young boys and two dogs so needless to say, I have plenty of active recovery time with the chaos of a busy house. In 2023, I was a CIM Ambassador assisting runners learn how to train for CIM and race it. I’m back to help those chasing big CIM dreams see it through. Without a doubt, CIM is my favorite race. I consider it to be the Greatest Marathon in the World, and I plan on running CIM every year until the day I die.

Instagram – @DavidDamron
Website – RunnerChecklists.com

Erica Cuellar

Erica Cuellar

Sanger, CA

I’m Erica, from Sanger, located in California’s Central Valley. I first started running twelve years ago and have completed 12 marathons and 1 ultra-marathon, since then. My relationship with running stemmed from going on walks on the weekends, which then turned into jogging, jogging with neighbors, running, and now racing and being a group-run leader. Running has been my constant – even through pregnancy. I currently lead a local running group – Latinos Run Fresno, where I enjoy connecting with folks and making space for everyone to feel welcome.

CIM is my favorite marathon, for many reasons, but primarily the diverse community of runners, course, and spectators! CIM was one of my first postpartum marathons. The first time I ran CIM I had such a great experience that I decided to run it again the following year. Having my family on the course at mile 20 and then again at the finish line, was very empowering for me and another reason why this marathon is of significance to me. I’m currently working towards earning a Boston Marathon qualifying time. My long-term goal is to become an Abbott World Marathon Major Six Star Finisher (4 more marathons to go).

Running can be enjoyed by everybody!

Instagram – @mami_corredora

Amobi Okugo

Amobi Okugo

Sacramento, CA

I’m a former professional soccer player turned athlete entrepreneur + creator and a 1st generation Nigerian American raised in Sacramento. My running journey started upon retiring and used running as a way to challenge myself and stay fit. My mantra is OK U GO, it’s a play on my last name but my thing is you should always go and try to reach your highest level in whatever you do. My running goal at the moment is a 4 hour marathon and 500 miles logged for the year. I would love to also build a consistent run club community.

I love CIM because of what it does for the Sacramento community. Bringing people together for a great cause. The CIM means a little bit more because people come to qualify for olympic trials and other races. I’m looking forward to beating my score from last year and meeting more people as I get more ingrained into the running community.

Instagram – @amobisays
Website – www.amobiokugo.com

2025 CIM Ambassador Program

Do you enjoy meeting new people, sharing your passion for marathon running, and CIM? Consider applying to be a CIM Ambassador! Applications will open in Dec. 2025

CIM Ambassador Benefits:
  • Complimentary entry into CIM
  • CIM apparel package
  • Gifts from our sponsors
  • Featured on our website
What does a CIM Ambassador do?

CIM Ambassadors help spread the word about CIM to their community!

Ambassadors should be:
  • Passionate and active runners
  • Outgoing and friendly people
  • Able to make a one-year commitment (February – December 2025)
One-Year Commitment Includes:
  • Active on personal social media accounts posting about CIM
  • CIM Instagram posts during local large events
  • Involvement with local running clubs
  • Organize a community fun run to promote CIM in August