Let the Taper Begin!
The California International Marathon 2-Person Relay is less than two weeks away and we know you are getting as excited as we are to reach your destination - the CIM finish line! Be sure to follow your taper plans carefully and make sure you have completed all required action plans so that you are CIM ready.
Schedule of Upcoming #road2CIM Events:
- Nov 17: Last day to complete Participant Transportation Survey (busing)
- Nov 20: Last day to complete marathon bib transfers
- Dec 1: CIM Expo opens at SAFE Credit Union Convention Center
- Dec 2: Official CIM Shakeout Run hosted by Bare Performance Nutrition
- Dec 3: Race Day!
If you have not already done so, please log into your Race Roster account to make your race day transportation choices. November 17 is your last day to enter your information.
If you need some more guidance for your Race Day Transportation, check out this informative transportation video?
Check Your Team Registration
There appear to be several runners who have joined teams they have not been invited to. Team Captains, please visit our Race Roster page and check that the correct runners are registered for your team. Type each team member's name in and be sure the correct team name is listed for both. If you find a runner that does not belong on your team, contact info@runsra.org
THERE ARE NO GEAR CHECK SERVICES OFFERED AT THE START LINE. Gear check services are available during operating hours at the CIM Expo and during Bus Loading at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center. Any items taken on buses, shuttles, or to the start area will NOT be returned to you. All items discarded at the start line or in the first 2 miles of the course will be donated to local charities.
Gear Drop Off at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center:
- Friday, December 1 at the CIM Expo – Between 12:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Saturday, December 2 at the CIM Expo – Between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Sunday, December 3 outside the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center’s west lobby between 13th Street and 14thStreet – Between 4:00 am – 5:00 am
Retrieving Gear Bags After the Race in the CIM Finish Area:
- Sunday December 3 at the Finish Area - Between 9:30 am-1:30 pm
- Bags will be transported from SAFE Credit Union Convention Center and available for pick-up by participants in the CIM Finish Area
Gear Check Reminders:
- Only official clear gear check bags provided at packet pick-up will be accepted
- Clearly write bib number on bag with provided permanent markers
- Event is not responsible for lost or damaged items
- NO gear check services are provided in the start area; any gear discarded at the start will be thrown away or donated
- If you are a nursing mother, read about our Lactation Station.
- Participants retrieve their gear check items in the Finish Area after the race; bags will be transported from the Expo/Convention Center to the Finish Area on race morning
- Gear Check bags not retrieved on race day in the finish area will be held by race management for 2 weeks after the race; it is the participant’s responsibility to contact race management to coordinate retrieval of their items within two weeks of race day
Do you have friends or family members coming to CIM to cheer you on? Please direct them to our Spectator Guide on the CIM website. There you will find the best locations for viewing the race and the best driving routes for avoiding the course and race day traffic.
Training with Caffeinated Gels
Strategically adding caffeine to your nutrition plan before and during exercise can help keep your mind sharp and make your activity feel easier. Get the buzz on caffeine during exercise from GU Energy.
Celebrate for a chance to win!
Join the CIM Group to be part of the California International Marathon’s 40th anniversary celebration by joining the CIM Group in the ASICS @Runkeeper app and sign up to complete the 40 in 40 Challenge for a chance to win. Complete this challenge for a chance to win one of 10 pairs of the new ASICS NOVABLAST™ 4!*Terms and conditions apply
CIM is Gold Level Certified by the Council for Responsible Sport
Sign up for CIM's Sustainable Runner’s Guide put together by Running for Real that includes:
- What CIM is doing to make their event more eco-friendly, and get tips on how you can do your part.
- Travel info, lodging options, and local restaurants close to key areas, like the race expo and finish line, that pride themselves on sustainability
- Other area info to make your trip to Sacramento more enjoyable and memorable
Smile! MarathonFoto will be there to photograph your accomplishments on race day. Be sure to have your bib visible and keep an eye out for our photographers in the bright colored vests along the course!
Information To Come
Your next communication will be the Final Instructions to Runners coming race week. Be sure to read the information contained in the email to avoid missing important details pertaining to your marathon race weekend.
Your runner tracking information will be in the final instructions.
Need More Information?
If you have a question that is not answered here, in the newsletter, you can visit the CIM website or email us at info@runsra.org.