Sponsorship Opportunities

Scott Abbott

Executive Director
Phone: 916-737-2627
SRA, 4181 Power Inn Rd, Suite A,
Sacramento, CA 95826

Valued Partners

California Family Fitness is the official Health Club of the Sacramento Running Association and title sponsor of the California Family Fitness Super Sunday Run. The Super Sunday Run is a great kickoff to New Year’s fitness resolutions and is “Sacramento’s Ticket to a Guilt Free Super Bowl”.

UC Davis Children’s Hospital is the chief beneficiary of the California International Marathon and the Sacramento Running Association. The UC Davis Children’s Hospital and the Sacramento Running Association work together to be stewards of community health and wellness through partnering on SRA Youth Fitness Program, community health education, and community fun runs and fitness walks associated with all SRA Events.

Fleet Feet Sacramento is the Official Sporting Goods retailer of the Super Sunday Run, so stock up on all your training needs for the run and to get fit in 2015! Fleet Feet Sacramento, on J Street, is the official pre-race packet pick-up locale for the event, so stop by an pick-up any last minute pre-race needs!

Whole Foods Market is the healthy eating partner of the Sacramento Running Association and is proud provider of healthy food for all SRA race participants.

Pace Sponsors