by webmaster | Sep 12, 2018 | CIM, Dr. Deegan's Nutrition Blog, News Feed
Nutrition for the Marathon Runner Read the...
by webmaster | Sep 26, 2017 | Dr. Deegan's Nutrition Blog, News Feed
Brought to you by Whole Foods The California International Marathon and Whole Foods have teamed up to put together a shopping list for runners with healthy options that you can use as a guide the next time you go shopping. Watch the recording of our Facebook Live...
by webmaster | Nov 9, 2016 | Dr. Deegan's Nutrition Blog
The California International Marathon & Whole Foods Market have teamed up to put together a Runner’s Shopping List with the healthiest options to look for when...
by webmaster | Jul 25, 2016 | Dr. Deegan's Nutrition Blog
Let’s Grill! While grilling meat creates hydrocarbons that can be cancer-promoting, grilling fruits and vegetables has no downside, only increased sweetness without increasing calories! When foods containing carbohydrates are grilled, the sugars undergo...
by webmaster | Jul 20, 2016 | Dr. Deegan's Nutrition Blog
The Fruits (& Vegetables) of Summer Water Always a concern for runners but even more so during the heat. Fruits and vegetables, being 90-98% water, contain between ¼ cup to 1 cup water per serving. Energy Calories are how we measure energy and fruits give us...
by webmaster | May 11, 2016 | Dr. Deegan's Nutrition Blog, News Feed
Running during the hot months of the year presents a problem for most runners unless they are fully hydrated or water replete. Of course, the best way to be fully hydrated on a permanent basis is to: Eat 60% of daily calories as carbohydrates, 20% as protein and 20%...