08/17/2011, 1:08pm PDT

The CIM presents its 2011 art, created by Richard Swayze

Colfax, California artist, Richard Swayze, was selected to create the 2011 CIM’s art pictured here. The CIM Board commissioned him to produce the art after accepting his whimsical concept of the California grizzly bear coming off the state flag to run and finish the CIM in front of the State Capitol. Richard works in pen and ink and water colors. The art you see here will be reproduced for the annual posters, and it will be adapted for use on the finishers’ medallions, entrants’ and volunteers’ t-shirts, and other collateral. The CIM makes it a priority to commission local artists to create original art every year. This collection of art is displayed at the annual CIM’s Sports and Fitness Expo.