Catching up with Olympic Hopeful: Rolanda Bell


Name: Rolanda Chanel Bell
Age: 28

Best events and PR’s:
3000m SC – 9:47.16

Favorite place to run in the Sacramento area: American River Trail

Favorite place to eat after a run: Old Soul Coffee Shop in Midtown

Favorite movie: Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze

Who is your greatest inspiration and why? I don’t have one person in particular but anyone who has overcome adversity and persevered always inspires me to be the best version of me I can be.

First or favorite Olympic memory: Competing on the world stage last summer in Beijing definitely fired a strong desire in me to be able to line up in Rio in 2016.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role? A younger version of Angela Basset would be perfect but I’ll say Zoe Saldana.

If you were stuck on an island and could only bring 1 person, what would you bring? The one person I would say would be my mom.

If there was a #tashtag that best describes you, what would it be? #steeplechick

What is your guilty pleasure? Gummie worms and gummie bears

If you were not a runner, what would you aspire to be? a Physical Therapist

What running accessory could you not live without? Roll Recovery

Follow Rolanda on Instagram and Twitter to continue following her journey!

Instagram: @rbell7
Twitter: @R0_BELL